
Have you got this weird disease?

Did you know that doctors use four letters to sum up the symptoms of many middle-aged women who come to see them? TATT stands for Tired All The Time. For a long time I suffered from being TATT and it would lead me to discover not only that I have

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Growing pains

I want to grow up. I do. I’m in my forties, but this fabled conservatism that’s supposed to creep up on everyone as they get older simply isn’t creeping up. Two weeks ago 200 girls were kidnapped from their dorms at school in Chibok, Nigeria: http://www.npr.org/2014/04/27/307451067/have-mercy-on-our-little-ones-kidnapping-agonizes-nigerians  This terrible ordeal for the

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Guns Ablazin’

Guns Ablazin’

The other day, I saw the picture to the right come across my Facebook page. Immediately, I was bothered by it. To me, the most standout feature isn’t the text. It’s the fact that image is from the back. No self-respecting father – or mother – would promote, or even

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Breaking Bad habits

Ciao Walt, Skyler, Walt Jnr, Holly, Hank, Marie, Jess, Saul. Sunday morning I emerged from my bedroom blinking in the light. Four years of TV consumed in three months. My children taller and muttering “We know that unwashed woman in her housecoat, but who is she?” If you’ve never watched

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When should we give up our dreams?

When should we give up our dreams? Remember how when you were younger you’d watch successful people and think “OK, she’s a world famous author but she’s two years older than me. I’ve got two years”? Maybe you didn’t. Either you got successful young or you gave up trying. I’m

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How TripAdvisor landed me in the poo

What kind of person fails to study TripAdvisor before putting a deposit down for a family summer holiday? Yep. You’re looking at her (or rather her blog). Fool and money parted at the travel agent’s desk.Last year we went to a place in Crete that had glowing TripAdvisor reviews only

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My cat chat

Our cat is our baby substitute. As the kids grew older, we craved a warm creature to hold, nuzzle and to talk to in a silly voice. The man of the house said he didn’t want a sh*tting, sofa scratching ball of fur in our home, but as soon as

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The indignity of it all

When you have kids, things you would never previously have entertained as being something that a decent human being should have to tolerate on a daily basis become par for the course, endlessly repeated until you are a shred of your former self. These are the undignified things that should

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Do teenagers understand the power of food ?

A recent article in Therapy Today ( Feb 2014)  has highlighted that there may be place for mental health practitioners to investigate health, diet and lifestyle issues with all their clients as a matter of course. Nicola Terry says ‘ Awareness of their body and minds responses to their dietary

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When your angel becomes a #$%&.

When your angel becomes a #$%&.

“You’re being an ass,” I admonished. …and with that, she engaged the icy teenage stare. I responded with the classic parental raising of the eyebrows as if to say, “Do we remember which one of us is the parent?” Silently, she closed her book and sulked into her room. WIN!

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