Do we know how important protein is in our diet?

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    Yvonne Green

    Teenagers often exclude protein from their diet , maybe ethical reasons…vegetarian…or too expensive…meat can be fatty.?? etc..
    We need protein x 3 times a day but it can be found in many sources . Does anyone have nuts or seeds for snacks.
    A handful of sunflower/pumpkin seeds or 3/4 almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts provide us with protein and essential fatty acids. Nutritionally amazing.

    an easy way to get your protein intake up.

    Melanie Smith

    Thanks Yvonne. Are chocolate covered brazil nuts ok for those teenagers who live on diet pepsi and chocloate?

    Yvonne Green

    Hi to Melanie about choc covered brazil nuts.

    They are very high in calories but if it means they eat nuts then its a beginning. As long as they dont eat a lot. Maybe let them know that eating nuts without chocolate is better for them and they wont be taking in so much sugar. A handful of sunflower seeds or pumkin seeds are pretty good for you.
    Ive just discovered chilli covered almonds from Wasabi . yum and healthy

    Education is key here. Sugar creates more cravings and then we eat more sugar…and so the cycle continues.
    If they want to feel good, be able to concentrate and have healthy bodies then think about what they are putting in.
    Diet pepsi contain stimulants that encourage adrenalin and then more sugar is required. If aspartame is present in the coke, this is known to block transmitters in the brain and nutrients arent used properly.
    Artificial and processed food will not supply as good nutrition as fresh raw ingredients.
    Remember Just because we can eat it , it doesnt mean its food !!!


    I’ve given up with my son’s eating habits Yvonne as I am talking to a brick wall. He is bright enough to know what he should be eating but would eat chocolate all day if he could get enough of it. I don’t understand how his body can cope with hardly any breakfast or lunch (usually the couple of snacks he takes to school which aren’t healthy) and then wait until he gets home to eat. He won’t eat a packed lunch as he’d rather play football and doesn’t want to queue up, plus he is too fussy! He only eats fish, not meat (down to us and he won’t try it now) and his fruit and veg intake is virtually non existent. He looks healthy and is slim, but how is he functioning!

    Yvonne Green

    Hi Plummy

    Can I recommend an excellent book called Seven Secrets of Successful Parenting by Karen Doherty and Georgia Coleridge . Chapter 5 describes many of the scenarios and situations you have reported regarding food and how to get children to eat healthily
    Quite often if we stay calm and don’t get hooked in emotionally the situation becomes easier. Children generally eat when they are hungry and don’t starve. Drawing attention away from the issue can often break the cycle.
    Being calm and stress free at meal times may encourage a child to feel more confident and relaxed about eating.

    maria thurston

    It is so important as these’s foods are also a suppress cancers, and help maintain a healthy lift style and today I am convinced a lot of cancers and illness can be avoided with what we eat, my son has a completely healthy diet now however it was not that bad before, thats what I thought. Burger King, McDonalds, Kentucky fried chicken, pizza the list is endless. Now flaxseed pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, spinach, broccoli, toms, meat once a week, no fizzy drinks I could go on. Now my son has an disease that is not curable however treatable and manageable, and I am totally convinced with the drugs trials and a great diet he will overcome this cancer.
    So what I say to all you mums ,dads, aunts, uncles, whoever reads this please get your kids to try and stop eating junk food as any processed foods are the worse and they create cancers I have spent hours and hours of researching foods and diets and as a mum who loves her son unconditional I will do whatever it take to beat this, so by changing the way we eat could save lives.

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